Why I quit grad school...

Описание к видео Why I quit grad school...

#whyIquitgradschool #gradschool #quittinggradschool

Hey hey,

Welcome back to my channel or if you are new here, welcome to my channel!!!!

So, the update is that I quit grad school. I went back and forth debating on if I should post this video, but I decided to do it for anyone who is in the same situation as me. I start with a bit of my personal background and my journey to grad school and I finish it off with giving some advice for anyone struggling to find their path or passions in life. And of course, I talk about why I quit grad school.

Forgive me as I do go on a bit of a rant in this video, but that's what happens when I don’t prepare any bullet notes!

I hope you enjoy this video!

Talk to you soon!

**Feel free to message me or comment any questions you may have about my decision or grad school in general :)


*Check out my Insta: @laurendykstraa
  / laurendykstraa  

*Check out my TikTok: @laurendykstraa

*Check out my blog: Free Your Runway


Music by Metacell Music - Lost Together - https://thmatc.co/?l=3BD76CAC


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