240905 목♥️What Women Want Starring Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt (2)♥️

Описание к видео 240905 목♥️What Women Want Starring Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt (2)♥️

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♥️What Women Want Starring Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt (2)♥️

♡ 핵심 표현
* divorce 목적어 : ~와 이혼하다
》divorce 를 동사로 쓰면 이렇게 전치사가 따로 필요 없음 ( *date, marry 도 마찬가지)
get divorced from someone 이라고 해도 의미는 같지만, 사용빈도는 좀 떨어짐
※ divorce + from 목적어 : ~와의 이혼 - 22.08.16 핵심표현
- Jessica divorced her husband.
- He divorced his ex-wife 10 years ago.
- Why would I want to divorce you?

♡ 핵심 단어
crazy 정상이 아닌, 미친
It's no wonder ~인 게 당연하네 ( *회화체에서 It's를 생략하고 No wonder 사용하기도 함 )
ex-wife 전처
all the time 매번, 내내
stress 스트레스
and everything 뭐 그런 것, 등등
answer 답하다
into ~에 빠져 있는 ( be into ~ )

♡ 주요 표현
1. in the first place : 애당초 ※23.02.06 핵심표현
》일반 문장과도 어울리지만 should have p.p. (~했어야 했는데 - ※24.02.28 주요표현) 와 특히 잘 어울림
- I didn't want that color in the first place.
- You should have warned me in the first place.

2. go for 가격 : ~이 얼마가 나가다
》물건의 정가보다는 시세를 얘기할 때 유용함
- Mayu's sunglasses go for $1 million.
- How much does this classic car go for?

3. bid + on 명사 : ~에 응찰하다
》bid 를 명사로 써서 place a bid on something 이란 표현 사용 가능
- Serina was about to bid on the watch.
- Mayu wanted to bid on the artwork.
※ be about to 동사원형 : ~하려는 참이다 - 24.07.11 주요표현

♡ 어순 영작
I know this is going to sound crazy, but I swear I can hear what women think!
※ sound 형용사 : ~하게 들리다, 들어 보니 ~한 것 같다 - 24.04.10 주요표현

'Yeah, you do sound crazy. It's no wonder your ex-wife wanted to divorce you.'
( do 동사원형 : ~하긴 한다 ※21.06.22 주요표현 )
※ It's no wonder + 평서문. : ~일 만하네. / 당연하다 - 24.02.22 주요표현

You know, Nick... Things like that happen all the time with stress and everything.
( things like that 그런 것들 )
※ all the time - 22.03.02 주요표현

'Why did I even answer my door in the first place? I was so into buying that lamp on eBay!'
( be into ~ing : ~하는 것에 빠져 있다 )
- answer my door : 문을 열어주다
※ be into + 명사 : ~에 빠져 있다 - 24.04.19 주요표현

How much was it going to for? I mean, the lamp you were about to bid on.

☆ 이런! 느낌
That's it. I'm divorcing this guy. I'm so sick of picking lice for you.


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