Headrush Pedalboard Looper Functions Plus Your Pedal Questions Answered Ep8 by ThePedalGuy

Описание к видео Headrush Pedalboard Looper Functions Plus Your Pedal Questions Answered Ep8 by ThePedalGuy

It's time for Episode 8 of our ongoing series of questions and answers where I take your pedal questions and answer them including a tough question on the ‪@HeadRushFX‬ Pedalboard Looper.

Plus, a very important question that I need your feedback on....should we start a bi-weekly series that concentrates on the ‪@DigiTechFX‬ SDRUM? I was thinking of calling it SDRUM Sunday's. These series are a lot of work as you can imagine, so let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.

And now....on with the show!
#dontgetpedalbored #gearporn #guitar #guitarlife #guitarpedal #studiolife #musician #guitarpedals #thepedalguy #musiclife #pedalsandeffects #guitargear #digitech #headrushfx


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