True Fractal Physics of Time & Coincidence:Mayan Dreamtime Vindicated with Dan Winter

Описание к видео True Fractal Physics of Time & Coincidence:Mayan Dreamtime Vindicated with Dan Winter

True Fractal Physics of Time & Coincidence: Mayan Dreamtime Vindicated , with Dan Winter - part 1 Transcript/Keynote /Discussion:
If TIME (like mass), is only defined by Rotation of Charge
Then 'co-incident' coupling of inertia- in time.. perfected is precisely fractal.
Golden Ratio fractality optimizes the constructive rotational to linear inertia wave interference- which allows event histories to exchange charge...
Thus is co-incidence defined.. (Miracles and Synchronicity)
Since it is apparent by inspection that MASS is only defined by the INERTIA created by charge ROTATION,
and that TIME is only created by the PERIOD of that same charge ROTATION,
then it is self-evident that the physics of COINCIDENCE
is necessarily only created by CHARGE COUPLING between rotations-
which is precisely what phase conjugation ( perfect embedding) optimizes.


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