A Disciple's Journey | Bruce C. Hafen | 2008

Описание к видео A Disciple's Journey | Bruce C. Hafen | 2008

Breaking free of worldly influences, the disciple strives for the embrace of a heavenly home.


"Oh, how we miss President Hinckley! The entire Church weeps and, in Zechariah’s words, even “the land [mourns].”1 Thousands filed by his casket last week. They said things like “He made me want to be a better person.” “He helped me believe in myself.” “He made it so easy to follow the prophet.” You, and those your age, have felt close to President Hinckley all of your lives. He connected intimately with all of us, which helped us connect to God.

He was incredible: such magnificent vision, yet such mastery of detail; so clear about right and wrong, yet such compassion; such a sense of history, yet such bold contributions to the future; so powerful in his ideas, yet so practical and unpretentious in his daily walk; so good-humored, yet so wise. I love President Hinckley. And now I bear you my solemn witness that Thomas S. Monson is a prophet of God—chosen, schooled, and prepared by a divine process for over four decades. May the Lord open heaven’s windows upon President Monson, President Eyring, and President Uchtdorf.

A few years ago our teenage daughter was feeling quite unsettled, asking some very honest questions, such as “Why is life so hard?” As we talked over dinner one night, I prayed like a missionary for the right things to say. After all, our children are our most important investigators. In the very moment, I received a prompting about “gravitational pull.” I grabbed a paper napkin and drew a sketch I’d never thought of before. It sparked a lively discussion. I felt so close to her that night. She is the child of our covenant, and I want to be with her always.

I’d like to share with you today the ideas from that sketch on the napkin. Let’s just pretend that you and I and my wife, Marie, are in some cozy Italian restaurant here in Provo and I’ve been lucky enough to find a white napkin with no tomato sauce on it. Let’s call this sketch “a disciple’s journey...” - Elder Bruce C. Hafen

Bruce C. Hafen was a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy when this devotional address was given on 5 February 2008.

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