WoW Secrets Felcycle 4 o'clock DOOM unlock walkthrough guide

Описание к видео WoW Secrets Felcycle 4 o'clock DOOM unlock walkthrough guide

You will need to have a doomwalker, if you are a warlock just summon yours, if not you will need a Scroll of Fel Binding from Vashti in Azuna Broken Isles

After you have the scroll head to Western Plaguelands to Uthers Tomb at /way 52 83 , inside the tomb there will be 4 graffiti writings on the floor. The doomguard has to be alive to see it. see if you can see the writings before you use the scroll. Click on each. To check to see if you completed it run this script:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(84780))

You have now unlocked the fourth orb!

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