
Описание к видео Abeir-Toril

Abeir-Toril or commonly referred to as Toril is the name of the fictional planet that makes up the Forgotten Realms Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting, as well as the Al-Qadim and Maztica campaign settings and the 1st edition version of the Oriental Adventures campaign setting
The name is archaic, meaning "cradle of life" It consists of various continents and islands, including Faerûn, Kara-Tur, Zakhara, Maztica, Osse, Anchorome and Katashaka, a sub-Saharan-like continent south of Maztica,1 where humanity appeared2 Toril was originally the name of Jeff Grubbs personal campaign world before it was merged with Ed Greenwoods Forgotten Realms setting
1 History
2 Continents
21 Anchorome
22 Faerûn
23 Kara-Tur
24 Maztica
25 Zakhara
3 Other features
31 Tears of Selûne
32 Wu Pi Te Shao
33 Yal-Tengri
4 See also
5 References
6 External links
Toril was the name of Jeff Grubbs campaign world,3 and it was adopted as the name of the planet upon which the continent of Faerûn existed when he and Ed Greenwood were designing the original Forgotten Realms Boxed Sabeir-toril map, abeir-toril forgotten realms, abeir-toril, map of abeir-toril, abeir-toril globe Abeir-Toril


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