Live: XR Locked-on Outside Shell's Aberdeen Office

Описание к видео Live: XR Locked-on Outside Shell's Aberdeen Office

Extinction Rebellion Scotland activists are outside Shell's Aberdeen office for their 'Hell on Earth' protest. Activists are locked-on to a green washing machine and bath demanding that Shell end their greenwashing and destructive climate policies.

Shell has a notorious past of climate misinformation and denial, human rights abuses and pollution. But its present policies are taking us to a Hell on Earth future.

They know they are making things worse by growing their fossil fuel business and reversing their carbon reduction targets.
Shell could do so much good by focusing their power and finance to solving the climate crisis. Instead, they spend 9 times more on shareholder benefits than on clean energy technology.

Shell is helping to destroy our future and then gaslighting us with their greenwashing campaigns.

#shellmustfall #shellhell #climatecrisis #EndFossilFuels #FossilFuelsAreKillingUs


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