DipintoDiNuovo - Restauro completo di un dipinto su tela

Описание к видео DipintoDiNuovo - Restauro completo di un dipinto su tela

Fasi esecutive del restauro di un dipinto ad olio su tela 2013
Hey there! Hi People! We're in 2017 now , how many people have seen this video in this years ! How many comment , how many compliments, how many judjment and...verdict.
And thank you all to have enjoyed my video and my restoration !
I leave everyone to express what they think and I'm sorry I will not respond to all.
I just say here that this was one of my first work done only by myself, one of my first very difficult restoration of oil paint on canvas .
Well, yes maybe is not perfect, now after 4 years I'm sure I would do differently choises about this work .
Everyone evolving their self and they're knowledge a long the way , and this is possible only whit esperiences , practice and hard work .
I'm a restorer I love so much my work , and I will always practice for do always better than before.
If you're courious to see how I improved my technique in this years ..well you're welcome in my site and website .
  / dipintodinuovo  
  / dipinto.dinuovo  
[email protected]


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