Making Crabapple Wine at Home

Описание к видео Making Crabapple Wine at Home

A little side project as I prepare for the cold-camping season. This is my 7th year making my own crabapple wine from a tree in my backyard, so I thought I'd share the recipe:


6-12 lbs ripe crabapples
1-2 lbs grapes (any kind)
14 cups granulated sugar (less if apples are sweet)
4 Campden tablets
1/2 tsp pectic enzyme
1 package wine yeast (Lalvin EC-1118 or equiv)
1 tsp yeast nutrient

Apples are best after the first frost. Crush apples, with bat or axe handle. Put apples in large mesh bag and add enough water to cover apples in bucket. Add Campden tablets and cover for 1 day. Add pectic enzyme and let dissolve for a day. Dissolve sugar in boiling water to add remaining liquid for 3.5 gallons. Cool and add to primary. Add yeast nutrient and wine yeast and cover with loose lid. Stir daily several times a day for 5 days, keeping the bucket covered. On 6th day, strain and discard apples. Rack into secondary container (carboy) and add water to bring within 2" of top. Add bung and airlock. Rack after fermentation has slowed down and lees form. Continue to rack every 3 months until no further lees. Bottle at 6-12 months. Makes 16 bottles.


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