Hestra is Here in Ghana for 2 Weeks!

Описание к видео Hestra is Here in Ghana for 2 Weeks!

Hello, Everyone!

This is the first of a series of videos featuring Hestra! She came to Ghana from the U.S. to stay with me for 2 weeks. She is also a client of Africaba, so she has visited the land and checked out the plots she wants to purchase. We also have spent time together doing lots of other things, and making memories that will last a lifetime. I hope you enjoy seeing our adventures as much as we enjoyed them. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the videos we post! Thank you also for sharing our content, leaving your comments and liking the videos. All of your support is so appreciated.

Love you all, and YAH willing we'll see you in the next one!

Like my earrings? For my viewers in the U.S., check out my daughter's website, www.nissiyah.com. She's the one who makes the earrings you see me wearing in most of my videos (‪@nissiyahdesigns‬ )

My granddaughters, Alexis and Zoey, also have a YouTube channel. They create all of their own content (movies, episodes, vlogs, cooking tutorials and more). Head over to their channel, ‪@thea2zshow‬ , you'll be glad you did!

My twins, Jesi (@jesiwiththetea) and Rachel (@modelmentorbyrachellauren) have YouTube channels too. My family is doing big things! Check them out and see what they're doing these days.

I'm now on Instagram as well! Follow me there @Kareninghana

If you feel led to donate to me or to anyone else you see on my channel, your generosity is TRULY and greatly appreciated. No amount is too small.

Cashapp: $KareninGhana
Website: www.africabacms.com
Email: [email protected]


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