The Truth about Epidural Injections and Back Pain

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The truth about epidural steroid injections for back pain relief
Meet Lucy she's considering epidural steroid injection because it was recommended as a potential solution for her chronic back pain but does she know the truth behind this medical procedure Lucy epidural steroid injections ESI can be a viable option for temporary relief of your back pain but it doesn't correct the underlying issue causing your pain an epidural steroid injection or ESI is where the doctor will inject steroids directly into the epidural space of your spine like any medical procedure ESI involves risks if the injection is not precise it can potentially damage nerves in the spinal cord in fact most people don't realize that epidural steroid injections have not even been cleared by the FDA for back pain there is great exposure as even Dr Oz questions the use of epidurals and points out the dangers another danger of ESI is the risk of infection whenever a needle penetrates the skin bacteria can be introduced into the body which can lead to serious complications ESI can also cause adverse reactions in some individuals these reactions may include facial flushing sleep disturbances elevated blood sugar levels and mood changes remember these dangers are potential risks with epidural injections they don't happen to everyone but they would be a high price to pay for a procedure that gives temporary relief at best when people do obtain relief from epidural injection it can last up to about one year as little as a few weeks or anywhere in between a 2018 study published in the landsat medical journal States patients should avoid harmful and useless treatments and doctors need to address widespread misconceptions about their effectiveness for example there is limited evidence to support the use of opioids for low back pain and epidural steroid injections and acetaminophen are not recommended at all I never realized the dangers of epidural steroid injections and that they only provide temporary relief it's a lot to take in sometimes your doctor may feel that even temporary relief from an ESI is worthwhile if it enables you to engage in rehabilitative treatments that do get to the root of the problem in cases where the severity of spinal pain is Extreme an epidural may help the patient more comfortably begin a rehabilitation program like idd therapy Advanced spinal decompression to get significant long-lasting results idd therapy has proven 92 successful in relieving back and neck pain from people who were actually already scheduled to have surgery but tried idd therapy instead the American Association of neurological surgeons presented these findings also showed that patients reporting initial success with idd therapy treatment continued to have a significant reduction in pain two months after completing treatment and again even two years later proven relief no drugs no needles no invasive procedures it's safe and cost efficient now that Lucy has a greater understanding of the use of epidural injections for spinal pain she is better prepared to make the decision that is right for her understanding the complete picture of any medical procedure is crucial get informed and be proactive in managing your health care to find out if you're a candidate for advanced non-surgical spinal decompression with idd therapy contact us at


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