Display pop-up Sheets and FullScreenCovers in SwiftUI | Bootcamp #28

Описание к видео Display pop-up Sheets and FullScreenCovers in SwiftUI | Bootcamp #28

We will learn how to segue in SwiftUI using the .sheet() and .fullScreenCover() modifiers. As you will see, both methods have a really professional look (UI) and will pop a new View on top of our current view. We will review how to implement sheets the correct way and cover some common mistakes that developers make while using sheets, such as including conditional logic within the closure or adding multiple .sheet modifiers to the same hierarchy.

There ARE ways to include conditional logic into the .sheet() closure directly but it is more advanced than what we are learning in this video. For beginner purposes, I recommend to avoid adding any logic into the closure.
I will be doing another video on how to present multiple sheets from a single View soon. There are several techniques, but they are more advanced and deserve their own video.

Next video:    • Using Sheets, Transitions, and Offset...  
Last video:    • How to use Transition in SwiftUI | Bo...  


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