Stocking Fish for 75 gallon Aquarium fish tank ideas. Get yourself a descent quality filter. It makes a huge difference. The aquaclears are the best. Here is a link:
Aquaclear Filter:
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Yeah a lot of people come into our shop asking what plants to start out with since "they kill everything" and I show them some anubias varieties. I point to the rhizome and tell them the only way thing plant will die is if you bury that. Just let it sink where you want it, tie it down to wood or a rock, glue it, tuck it behind something lightly, but that's it, don't "plant" it and you are fine.
It's a more sensitive stem plant. It requires soft light substrate for it to root properly, and liquid fertilizer for the water column. They also like medium high lighting. After my plant purchuse today i now have removed 100% plastic plants and have full planted safer tank for my 2 boys
Yes some plants are still in store cups due to my substate still in the mail.
ahhh that stuff is a good choice but usually it's more common in new tanks because a chunk of what you are paying for are the nitrifying bacteria for cycling that are in the bag. I have used flourite, eco-complete, sand, soil, etc but my all time favorite this far is fluval stratum for plants. The stuff is crazy.
No your tank will be the same if you leave the filter alone, it's just the substrate you bought contains a lot of bacteria to help new tanks cycle quicker and that was included in the price but your tank is cycled so it was just a bit of wasted money is all, I've done it before with eco-complete. If your filter uses replaceable pads I wouldn't replace them with the same pads any longer. I just noticed the type of filter you have so that's why I say this.
I didn’t during the first month. till somehow they made it to my other two tanks. and then I had at least two snails per square inch on every part of every tank I own. dumped the tanks, got new substrate, boiled the decor, and they came back and did it again. the eggs are so hard to find. and 1 snail will make 50. then those 50 make 50. and it happens too quick.
Hey this is true but their numbers are easily controlled based on what you feed. If you feed frozen/live food they are easily manageable but with dry foods you need to spot feed and make sure nothing makes it's way to the bottom of the tank. Live plants can help their numbers if there is any decaying material around, but I have bladder snails, Malaysian trumpets, rams horn snails, ponds, and my purchased ones too. They are all a part of the ecosystem and my tanks have been doing very well after they all established a population. They keep all the nook and crannies clean.
I have two here that I JUST bought...Id say that one truly IS in bad shape.......IF anything it needs some fertilizer so maybe get a bottle of Seachem Flourish and dose according to the size tank you have and hopefully it will come back.
I’m not necessarily talking bettas but I've been out of fish keep for 9 months now decently, I did have my pond running during summer but it crashed and so I was stuck with no fish, I went to walmart (bad me) and happened to have 40 bucks on me, I went to get some dog soap and I saw 2 adorable baby angelfish... I ran to the craft section got a big 10 gallon temporary tank, grabbed some food, sand and got them.. They are now in their temporary tank with a filter and food etc. I will be getting an appropriate tank in due time, but right now they're a mear 1.5 inches long, they also have 2 platy friends for now, once I get their big tank I'll be making their temporary tank a betta tank since it's 10 gallons. So say hello to my new little friends to kickstart me back into the hobby.
Hey everyone! I got this tank from a lovely lady who had bought it for her son, but he sadly wasn’t interested! It’s 3 gallons, with a built in filter (cermaic and bio) and I’ve just added a heater. Can’t wait to add some lovely silk plants. Going to be letting it cycle before hopefully adding a dumbo half moon.
it is possible to have zero, but extremely rare in an aquarium especially with older fish. My pond of 1000 gallons and filled with a billion plants and 30 Goldfish always reads zero, but none of my 4 aquariums ever read below 5 or 10, and My goldfish tank hits 40 Nitrates in 3 days because they are so huge. David LeMarble I had my water tested at a pet shop last year and the guy didn’t even do that so I’m gonna try your way tomorrow. Also I’m 24 and female so my fists my be smaller than yours? For now I have some bio start, I might dose my tank tonight.
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