Marriages are made in Heaven

Описание к видео Marriages are made in Heaven

Vivahamu , Parinayamu, Lagna, Pelli, Tirumanamu, mudave .... These are all the words for the most beautiful institution called marriage. This institution is under attack from the panchamakkars in every which way.
The western economists & strategists have witnessed that no recession across the world has affected India for the last 4 times. Their analysis was about the saving potential that these people have & the root cause is the family & its bonding. This led to the institution called marriage & its strength.
Hence the decision of hitting at this institution only to destroy it this leading to the destruction of this great nation.
Should it be the movies who encourage, the children to defy the parents & elderly advice, to get divorce on a stroke of a bell & for any simple reasons defying the togetherness & mutual respect.
Added to this the 28th September 2018 ruling by the 5 bench judge who declared that the wife is not a personal property of the man & Adultery is not a crime but can be a social evil.....
Now a new low to this institution by who propagates the legitimacy
of the dating apps,
Of keeping away from the parents for years together
After trial & error trying to get legalised...
In my opinion these trends should be reversed in order to restore the authentic, sensible & the devine institution of marriage.
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