Glass Bloodfin Tetra Care & Tank Set up Guide

Описание к видео Glass Bloodfin Tetra Care & Tank Set up Guide

Glass Bloodfin Tetra easily confused with Bloodfin Tetra are amazing fish to keep in an aquarium. Glass Blood fin Tetra are smaller than Blood fin Tetra, these fish grow only to about 2 inches in an aquarium, they have a translucent body with the caudal fin being red. However, Blood fin tetra have all their fins in red.
Glass Blood Fin Tetra are native to South America; their natural habitat occurs in Amazon river basin occurring in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia & Brazil. There is not much information available on their natural habitat & their behavior in it. The scientific name for these fish is Prionobrama filigera.
In an aquarium Glass Bloodfin tetra are easy to care for, they must be kept in an planted aquarium in a group of 8 or more. These fish seem docile & tank mates must be non-aggressive fish. Below information will help you more about Glass Blood Fin Tetra.

Glass Bloodfin Tetra Aquarium Care -
Tank Size - 20 gallon or bigger
Tank Decoration - It should be a planted tank with floating plants as these fish like taking cover under the floating plants. You can use driftwood as these fish thrive in neutral to acidic water conditions.

Tank mates for Glass Blood fin tetra -
Some of the compatible tank mates for Bloodfin Tetras are Zebra Danios, Giant Danios, Rummy nose tetra, black diamond neon tetra, black neon tetra, Corydoras, Platies, Cherry barbs, Harlequin Rasboras, Lamp Chop Rasboras, Thread fin Rainbow fish etc.

What to feed Glass Bloodfin Tetra?
These fish are omnivores, you can feed them live food like daphnia, micro worms & mosquito larvae. I feed Tetra bits are staple food & live food once or twice a week.

Water Parameters for Glass Blood fin tetra -
Temperature range - 73 to 80°F (23 to 27°C)
pH range - 6 to 7.8
Water hardness - Soft to Hard i.e under 180 ppm

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Music - White River by Aakash Gandhi from Youtube Audio Library.


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