Preventing 6.01mm Tightbore barrel Jamming issues

Описание к видео Preventing 6.01mm Tightbore barrel Jamming issues

6.01mm tightbore inner barrels get a bad rep because they tend to jam. Most of the time people dismiss the barrels as being too dirty or inconsistent and overlook bb's completely. Different size bb's are different sizes ranging from 6.00mm down to 5.80mm. Obviously if you get bb's that are 6.00mm in size they will always jam where as bb's sized 5.80mm to 5.95mm will jam less often since they have a clearance space of 0.06mm to 0.16mm. You don't want to get too small bb's because then you'll loose compression and your FPS will drop. A good BB size for a tightbore barrel is 5.90mm to 5.95mm +/- 0.01mm. I like Javelin since they sell them at the local airsoft shop down the street from my house.

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-Rebel Without-a-Cause


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