Induction of Newly Qualified Medical and Dental Practitioners - Oct 2023

Описание к видео Induction of Newly Qualified Medical and Dental Practitioners - Oct 2023

This significant event is organized for graduates of Medicine and Dentistry upon completion of the prescribed and approved academic and practical training in the form of Housemanship. All inductees must have written and passed the Licensure Examinations conducted by the Medical and Dental Council, Ghana (MDC Ghana). They therefore meet the appropriate training standards for practice as Medical Doctors and Dentists in Ghana.

They are from various accredited training institutions including the University of Ghana (UG), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), the University of Cape Coast (UCC), the University for Development Studies (UDS), as well as other foreign-trained doctors who sat and passed the Council’s professional qualifying examinations. They will be led to swear the Hippocratic Oath.

This year's event will take place at the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons - Accra as the physical venue, with a total of five hundred and seven (507) inductees. It will also be broadcast live on this platform, as well as on Facebook and YouTube for the benefit of all virtual attendees including parents, guardians, and the general public. The guest of honor for this event is the Hon. Minister of Health. Kwaku Agyemang Manu.


The Medical and Dental Council is the statutory agency under the Ministry of Health established under Part II of the Health Professions Regulatory Bodies Act, 2013 (Act 857) responsible for the regulation of the training and practice of medicine and dentistry in Ghana.

Functions of the Council

Assess facilities and contents of programmes for the training of doctors and dentists and physician assistants in training institutions;
Ensure that the pre-registration training of newly qualified doctors and dentists and physician assistants in accredited training institutions meets the required standards;
Conduct examinations for the registration of foreign-trained medical and dental practitioners and physician assistants;
Compile and keep registers of registered practitioners;
Prescribe and enforce professional standards and conduct for practitioners;
Conduct examinations for the registration of locally trained medical and dental practitioners and physician assistant who do not meet the prescribed conditions for registration; and
Perform any other functions that are ancillary to the object of the Council.

Core Values

Integrity: Provision of honest leadership, we share what we see with our stakeholders
Transparency & Accountability: Commit to take responsibility, be open and accountable for our actions
Excellence: Commit to achieving highest standards with open-mindedness and a willingness to continuous learning
Fairness: Equal respect to all persons and treat them without prejudice
Collaboration & Strategic Partnership: We recognise healthcare as teamwork, so we will work with others to support safe, high-quality care for the public good.

Assure and maintain public health, safety and wellbeing
Promote and maintain public trust in the professions and members of the professions
Ensure and sustain public confidence in the healthcare system
Prescribe and enforce professional standards and conduct

The vision of the Council is to be an internationally acclaimed competent, innovative and accountable regulatory authority for medical and dental practice in Ghana, for the public good.

Shared Value

“Guiding the professions, protecting the public”


The object of Council as provided for under section 27 of Act 857 is to secure in the public interest the highest standards in the training and practice of medicine and dentistry in Ghana.


Prof. Paul Kwame Nyame (Board Chair)
Dr. Divine Ndonbi Banyubala (Registrar)
Hon. Mahama Asei Seini – Deputy Minister for Health (Rep. from the Ministry of Health)
Prof. Margaret Yaa Mansa Lartey (Rep. for the Medical Schools)
Dr. Constance Addo Yobo (Elected Board Member – Dental)
Dr. Ernest Yorke (Elected Board Member – Medical)
Mrs. Stella Otema-Badu (Rep. from the Attorney General Dep’t)
Mr. Samuel Adjapong (Minister for Health’s Nominee)
Amb. Mrs. Ambassador Cecilia Gyan Amoah (Nominee)
Ms. Rebecca Bantey (Elected Board Member – PA and CRA)


In-Person and Virtual attendance is FREE at the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons - Accra. The event will stream LIVE on this page.

The Programme is available to download after registration


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