Impact Drake 9-60LR VS SPX Hells scythe 3-80F | Beyblade X Battle

Описание к видео Impact Drake 9-60LR VS SPX Hells scythe 3-80F | Beyblade X Battle

Get ready for an epic Beyblade battle between Impact Drake 9-60LR and SPX Hells scythe 3-80F! Watch as these two fierce competitors go head-to-head in intense rounds of non-stop action. Who will come out on top? Subscribe now for more Beyblade X Battle videos and don't miss out on the excitement!

インパクトドレイク 9-60LR VS SPX ヘルズサイス 3-80F 10 ラウンド | ベイブレード X バトル (10 ラウンド)

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