MARKS: Use mark making to get your feelings out (Messy May Day 05)

Описание к видео MARKS: Use mark making to get your feelings out (Messy May Day 05)

Here’s the prompt for today’s Messy May.

Messy May is a daily-ish journaling challenge for imperfect creatives. It’s for igniting a new creative habit, reviving one you miss, or turning an established practice into an unstoppable force. All you need to do is show up as you are, daily-ish, 31 times.

Sign up at


Shawn Petite is a mixed media artist living her dreams of creating every day.
She’s been teaching and creating for over 30 years in many different mediums but found her art soul mate in mixed media.
She produces her own line of stencils, creates soulful and informative online workshops on mixed media and sells her art originals, prints and products at
But most importantly, She tries every day to encourage, uplift and give meaning to our everyday lives, and to shares how to do that through mixed media art. Shawn wants to show love with her paint brush and to leave her little corner of the world a better place.


Get Messy is an online art journaling school that teaches you to cultivate your creativity. Without perfection. You’ll always be welcome in – messy mind, paint plops, charcoal smudges, ink-stained fingertips and all.

Zero expectations. Zero pressure. All the fun.


Our favourite supplies for getting messy:


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