Ananda Marga Revolutionary Marriage ||Jai Raj Mishra & Chetna on 24th June 2022 at Maharani(P) Patna

Описание к видео Ananda Marga Revolutionary Marriage ||Jai Raj Mishra & Chetna on 24th June 2022 at Maharani(P) Patna


To bring anyone on the path of dharma a proper environment is necessary and for that one human society is needed. Towards this end, Baba has taken numerous steps.

On the one hand He has involved deeply in repairing addressing and solving society’s ills. In this way And He has exposed and given the solutions to cure society from: religious dogmas, casteism, racism, communalism, sentiments, exploitation, untouchability, color, economic disparity, etc. Indeed Baba has addressed so many inequalities and injustices in the society.

Simultaneously Baba has infused one very positive feature for humanity – His revolutionary concept of society building: Which includes both the creation of WTs and the formation of revolutionary marriages.

Society building ensures a certain stability and dynamism as well as the love and compassion necessary for enabling people to grow in a healthy and proper way. So this is one key for developing one human society.

And indeed when that society is formed then there will be huge scope for people to grow in all sorts of ways and devote maximum time for spiritual pursuits and ultimately become one with Parama Purusa.

So society building has a special role.



Revolutionary marriages (RM) are a special feature of our Ananda Marga way of life and come within the scope of the society building department of AMPS. Actually the main basis of marriage in Ananda Marga is society building.

In the past Lord Buddha also neglected this important social factor so he could not form the society properly. Lord Buddha’s teachings were deficient in this regard. And many religions also have not been able to create solid systems and ideals for marriage. The materialistic societies around the globe are also severely lacking on the point of marriage.

The tantric system of marriage is 7000 years old and holds a special meaning and practical presentation. We have seen this in our lives especially in DMC when Baba used to give blessings to marriage couples.


First the newly married couple would approach the dais and do sastaunga pranam to Baba. And then with both of their hands the couple would jointly offer a flower garland to Baba. Then Baba would then place His own hands around their hands and join them in holding the mala (flower garland).

Then Baba would graciously bless their marriage: “Be like Shiva and Parvati, go on doing your worldly duties along with your psychic and spiritual pursuits, be the assets of the entire civilisation, and by your service the whole society should be benefited.”

Baba also used to repeat the mantra ‘Shubamastu…’, meaning ‘May you be blessed’.

And then He would give the mala to the bride. To English speaking margiis Baba used to say, ‘little girl take this mala and keep it with you’. And when He spoke to margiis in Bengali or Hindi this was the translation: ‘mother keep this garland along with you’.

Hundreds of times during DMC we have witnessed how Baba used to give His marriage blessings. And always He would begin by saying, “Be like Shiva and Parvati…”

Here the special significance of ‘Be like Shiva and Parvati’ is that during Lord Shiva’s entire married life He took care of Parvati and watched over her physical, psychic, and spiritual development; and Parvati took care of Lord Shiva as well. Their marriage was ideal. It was not based on material satisfaction or gain, but rather a high ideal. It was starting point of building one human society.

Prior to Lord Shiva’s advent society was not properly formed. One key reason for this was that there was not a proper system of marriage. Instead, most were involved in libertine type of relations – especially the males.

The ones who suffered most then were the children and their mothers, but especially the children. Basically males did not accept any responsibility. So the whole responsibility of the child’s physical, psychic, sentimental, and spiritual welfare rested upon the mother alone. And it was just not possible for a single mother to manage all aspects of raising and providing for the child. The condition of the baby and mother was terrible.


Then Lord Shiva took advent. For the first time in human history He graciously gave the system of marriage. And that marriage system was primarily for the welfare of the child. So that child could receive the requisite love and support to one day become a bonafide member of the civilized society.

In this same spirit, Baba has created the society building department in our Ananda Marga.


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