NewsToday Debate: Sonia Gandhi's 'Poor Lady' Remark Insult To President? | Budget Parliament Session

Описание к видео NewsToday Debate: Sonia Gandhi's 'Poor Lady' Remark Insult To President? | Budget Parliament Session

The budget session began with Prime Minister Modi alleging opposition parties use foreign reports to disrupt Parliament. Congress defended raising issues like Rafale and Pegasus. Sonia Gandhi's 'poor thing' remark about the President's speech sparked controversy. Opposition accused government of not allowing discussion on key issues. Both sides traded charges of disrupting Parliament. #budgetsession2025 #soniagandhiremark #modivscongress #itwebvideos #parliamentdebate #foreignhandrow #presidentmurmu #rafaledebate #pegasusrow #hindenburgreport #economicsurvey
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