Pools | Demo | GamePlay PC

Описание к видео Pools | Demo | GamePlay PC

Dive into the enigmatic waters of Pools, an experiential exploration game inspired by the ethereal vibes of Anemoiapolis.

An endless maze of haunting pool rooms awaits to be explored. Unlike the overt terror of Amnesia or Outlast, Aquatic Backrooms emphasizes an atmospheric adventure through the veiled mysteries of liminal spaces, where the known and the unknown coalesce.

Fundamentally, Pools is an exploration-centric game intertwined with psychological horror facets such as claustrophobia and agoraphobia.

no UI, no dialogue
walking and looking around feels immersive; walking in water is slow, etc.
at least 6 unique levels, with one free included with the demo
acoustics, currently working on a complete overhaul

A harmonious blend of ethereal visuals and the mesmerizing echoes of water create a hauntingly beautiful realm that beckons to be explored.

The subtly echoing splashes and distant hums enhance the allure of the unknown.


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