CONSERVATION UNCHARTED Ep. 7: World Bird Sanctuary - 9/6/24

Описание к видео CONSERVATION UNCHARTED Ep. 7: World Bird Sanctuary - 9/6/24

VOD from September 6th 2024

Maya Higa, Connor, Kayla & Chat visit World Bird Sanctuary in Missouri and see a bunch of cool awesome birds and even birds that do tricks but also a couple reptiles woooo

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Alveus Sanctuary:
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Edited by Shrezno:
  / shrezno  

00:00 - 00:54 - sick intro vid
00:55 - 08:16 - introductions
08:17 - 28:27 - dynasty the egyptian vulture
28:28 - 29:38 - clarence the broadwing hawk
29:39 - 31:18 - lee the american kestrel
31:19 - 32:27 - rose the short-eared owl
32:28 - 33:33 - styx sharp-shinned hawk
33:34 - 35:46 - uxmal the spectacled owl
35:47 - 37:15 - queen the mississippi kite
37:16 - 38:07 - flip the red-shouldered hawk
38:08 - 40:30 - forest & goblin the american barn owls
40:31 - 43:20 - riker & nitro the easter screech owls
43:21 - 46:18 - walky walk
46:19 - 48:59 - chadder the laughing kookaburra
49:00 - 54:05 - sterling the silvery-cheeked hornbill
54:06 - 57:03 - mayhem the white-necked raven
57:04 - 59:05 - evelyn the peregrine falcon
59:06 - 59:44 - barnaby the british barn owl
59:45 - 1:02:33 - bogart the eurasian eagle owl
1:02:34 - 1:08:07 - the hawktagon
1:08:08 - 1:13:54 - bald eagles
1:13:55 - 1:26:39 - brahma the red-headed vulture
1:26:40 - 1:28:47 - sprinkles & costello the emus
1:28:48 - 1:30:40 - tiberius & julia the great-horned owls
1:30:41 - 1:34:48 - scoop & mudflap the pelicans & gilligan the black-crowned night heron
1:34:49 - 1:47:12 - dorothy the andean condor
1:47:14 - 1:51:44 - cousteau the white-tailed eagle
1:51:45 - 1:52:51 - Lafayette & adrian the silver pheasants
1:52:52 - 1:54:05 - tammy & ringo the vietnam pheasants
1:54:06 - 1:55:10 - caesar the augur buzzard
1:55:11 - 1:57:02 - lewis the bald eagle
1:57:03 - 2:08:36 - lumpy & gar the black vultures
2:08:37 - 2:13:27 - walky walk back
2:13:28 - 2:15:52 - shakespear the barred owl
2:15:53 - 2:21:15 - walky walk to the amphitheater
2:21:16 - 2:57:17 - bird show woooo frick yeah
2:57:18 - 3:14:34 - maya holds alejandro the harpy eagle
3:14:35 - 3:28:14 - kayla holds alejandro the harpy eagle
3:28:15 - 3:34:47 - learning
3:34:48 - 3:40:00 - reptiles wooooo
3:40:01 - 3:42:35 - F
3:42:36 - 3:47:55 - more reptiles woooooo
3:47:56 - 3:59:38 - cool parrots do cool things
3:59:39 - 4:08:10 - THANK YOU EVERYONE and byeeeee



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