The Awful Story of South America's Most Evil Dictator

Описание к видео The Awful Story of South America's Most Evil Dictator

This is the story of state terror in Argentina in the ‘70s and ‘80s: what is traditionally called the “Dirty War.” It’s the story of how a military regime, led mainly by a dictator named Jorge Videla, tortured and killed tens of thousands of people while implementing neoliberal economic “reforms.” But it’s also the story of how they were helped along in that process by people like Henry Kissinger and Elliot Abrams – and how those accomplices were never punished. Pablo Pryluka, PhD student in Latin American history at Princeton University, explains.

Explore the dark and chilling tale of South America's most notorious and evil dictator. This video delves into the regime's brutality, the political oppression, and the severe human rights violations committed during their reign. Discover how this dictator shaped the history of the region, leaving behind a legacy of fear and suffering. Join us for an eye-opening journey through one of the most terrifying chapters of South American history. #Dictator #SouthAmerica #History #PoliticalOppression

0:00 Argentina's coup
2:25 State terror
6:11 Economic "reform"
7:52 American support
10:52 The regime falls


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