How to Write like Raymond Chandler (Raymond Chandler's writing techniques, and what you can learn)

Описание к видео How to Write like Raymond Chandler (Raymond Chandler's writing techniques, and what you can learn)

What are Raymond Chandler's writing secrets❓ How does he write, and what techniques can you take away from his writing and apply to yours?

Welcome to my write like series. The series where I take a look at the style and techniques of all your favourite authors and figure out how you can use them in your own writing.

Feel free to suggest an author for me to cover in the comments!

I make two new videos about writing every week. Click here to subscribe, let's get better at writing together!:

The most important thing when you're new to writing or an established writer is to keep writing. Keep putting down words, paragraphs, plots, characters, you will learn as you go.

Thank you so much for watching!

#authortube #writelike #raymondchandler


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