Crystallite Size & Microstrain - Part 1 - Scherrer Equation - HighScore Plus - Panalytical

Описание к видео Crystallite Size & Microstrain - Part 1 - Scherrer Equation - HighScore Plus - Panalytical

This is part 1 of 3 of the crystallite size and microstrain series of videos. It covers each step in using the Scherrer calculator in HighScore Plus. All files used in this video are provided by Malvern Panalytical and come with HighScore Plus. This video will show you where to find them on your computer.

** Note for 14:48: This is a quick method of determining instrumental broadening. Another option is to not clip the 2theta range of the standard pattern, perform a profile fit, and make a plot in Excel or some other plotting software of FWHM vs. 2theta. You can then fit a polynomial trend line that fits the data points. If you get the equation of the trend line and enter the 2theta angle of your sample peak into it, you can solve for the instrumental broadening at that particular 2theta angle. This requires many more steps and doesn't seem to change the results by much, but you are welcome to try it to see the difference. **

00:19 - Overview of video series
00:45 - Details of the Scherrer equation

Analyze standard pattern to determine instrumental broadening
02:07 - Open the standard diffraction pattern
03:56 - Tips for choosing peaks for analysis, clip range
04:57 - Search peaks
05:47 - Settings to change before refining
06:22 - Perform a default profile fit
06:54 - Change the zoom functionality
07:53 - Check and change the peak base width for improved fitting

Analyze sample pattern for crystallite size and microstrain
09:15 - Open the sample pattern
09:32 - Clip range and search peaks
10:58 - Exclude small peaks
12:11 - Open and utilize the Scherrer calculator
13:45 - Discussion of K factor
17:57 - Summary/comparison of results


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