Biomutant | All Class Perks Revealed & Build Ideas To Get You Started

Описание к видео Biomutant | All Class Perks Revealed & Build Ideas To Get You Started

The release of Biomutant is rapidly approaching. In this video, GooberTroy goes over all the newly revealed Class Perks. In addition, some misinformation is cleared up around how classes and their perks will work. For those who are very excited for the game, but are stuck trying to decide on a class, there are also a few build ideas to help get you started on your journey!

Fextralife Class Perk Video:
   • Biomutant Class Guide: All Class Perk...  

0:00 - Intro
1:15 - Mercenary Perks
1:42 - Dead-Eye Perks
2:19 - Commando Perks
3:03 - Psi-Freak Perks
4:06 - Saboteur Perks
4:39 - Sentinel Perks
5:11 - Perk Summary
5:47 - Build Disclaimer
6:33 - Sniper Build
7:09 - Gunner Build
7:41 - Templar Build
8:19 - Rogue Build
8:50 - Battle Mage Build
9:32 - Pure Mage Build
10:07 - Conclusion

Sniper Build
Breed: Primal
Class: Dead-Eye
Perk: Sharpshooter (or Sniper)
Attributes: Intellect/Vitality
Mutations: Blaze, Skyspark, Rad Wasps, Mud Punch
Wung-Fu Technique: Rifles
Alighnment: Dark

Gunner Build
Breed: Primal
Class: Commando
Perk: Brutality
Attribute: Dexterity
Mutations: Blaze, Levitate, Rad Wasps, Mud Punch
Wung-Fu Technique: Dual Wield Guns
Alignment: Light

Templar Build
Breed: Hyla
Class: Sentinel
Perks: Ricochet
Attribute: Vitality
Mutations: Fungi, Blink, Freeze, Mucous Ball
Wung-Fu Technique: Two-Handed Slash or Crush
Alignment: Light

Rogue Build
Breed: Dumdon
Class: Mercenary
Perks: Brutality (or Fury)
Attribute: Strength
Mutations: Blink, Moth Mouth, Vile Bile, Storm Hop
Wung-Fu Technique: Dual Wield Melee
Alignment: Your Choice

Battle Mage Build
Breed: Rex
Class: Psi-Freak
Perk: Brain Drain
Attributes: Strength/Intellect
Mutations: Blaze, Telekinesis, Mud Punch, Skyspark
Wung-Fu Technique: One-Handed Slash/Unarmed
Alignment: Dark

Pure Caster Build
Breed: Fip
Class: Psi-Freak
Perk: Mind Melt
Attribute: Intellect
Mutations: Ki Spark, Levitate, Mud Punch, Spark Ball
Wung-Fu Technique: One Handed Slash/Unarmed
Alignment: Light



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