Star Fox 2 (SNES Prototype) - Let's Check

Описание к видео Star Fox 2 (SNES Prototype) - Let's Check

As many of you probably know, at one point there was a sequel planned for the original Star Fox (Starwing over here in Europe) on the SNES. It was supposed to come out in 1995 and was almost done, but in the end it got cancelled with the Nintendo 64 being just around the corner.

Luckily, the near finished Japanese product got dumped to the internet, so that we can see what we missed out on back in '95. Was it good that it got cancelled? Or did we really miss out on something great? Well, many of you probably already know the answer to that, but I'm going to show this game off now and give you my thoughts as well.

This is a translated ROM, with a few fixes to patch the game up further towards a complete state. This makes this game fully playable from beginning to end, that in itself is a rare sight when it comes to unreleased games!

Sorry about the coughs and crackly voice, been a bit sick and it still shows in that.

This game was suggested by: WhitemageJones
   / whitemagejones  

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