How to keep your Heart Healthy by the Blessings of Omega 3s

Описание к видео How to keep your Heart Healthy by the Blessings of Omega 3s

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats (or "healthy fats") you have to get from foods or supplements because your body doesn't make them. They're part of the support structure of every cell in your body; they give you energy; and they help keep your heart, lungs, blood vessels, and immune system working the way they should.
Possible health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids ----
Omega 3 lowers blood pressure, reduces triglycerides in the blood, helps reduce joint inflammation in rheumatoid disease, helps nourish brain and eyes functions, helps prevent and alleviate dementia, depression, asthma, migraine, and diabetes, and helps reduce the risk and preventing heart disease and ischemic stroke
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In this video DR.SANCHITA CHATTERJEE Ayurvedacharya talks about Possible health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids in Bengali

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#Dr. sanchita’s Ayurveda
#Dr.sanchita chatterjee Ayurvedacharya
#Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids
Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for kid
Benefits of f Omega-3 fatty acids or toddlers
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#Health Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids
Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids and heart
Benefits and side effect of Omega-3 fatty acids
#What are the Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids
what are the real Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids
#Uses of Omega-3 fatty acids
Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for hair
Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for children
Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for weight loss


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