Patrick Beatbox Solo 3 - Cartoon Beatbox Battles

Описание к видео Patrick Beatbox Solo 3 - Cartoon Beatbox Battles

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------------------------------------ Patrick Beatbox Lyrics ----------------------------------------

Penny Penny Penny can’t you see,
I left you a gift by the Christmas tree,
I pooped in box a box and wrote you a note,
I hope when you put it in the water it floats, (x2)

Yabba Dabba dabba, bobady boo,
Oooo I can magic just like you
Abracadabra, alah kazaam,
I’d give you the finger but I don’t have hands,
I found another penny in my bellybutton,
I named the penny Penny and I really love him,
He’s worth more than you and has better dance moves,
He’s got better jokes, can’t say the same for you

Penny Penny Penny can’t you see,
I left you a gift by the Christmas tree,
I pooped in box a box and wrote you a note,
I hope when you put it in the water it floats, (x2)


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