#19 Full Body Orgasms And Habits That Avoid Pleasure — Mareen Scholl

Описание к видео #19 Full Body Orgasms And Habits That Avoid Pleasure — Mareen Scholl

🔥 Are You Getting Full Body Orgasms Or Just Feeling Pressured To "Get There"?

Trying to get full body orgasms can actually become a habit to avoid pleasure all together because this often comes from an idea of a goal to achieve rather than a true desire.

🔥 How To Go From Pressure To Pleasure?

Discover how to from the pressure of getting a whole body orgasm to the source of that desire to indulge on the pleasure of senses, confidence, trust and intimacy in The Sensual Sessions #19 with Mareen Scholl!

🔥 Finding Pleasure In The Awareness Of The Senses

To learn about full body orgasm, or to feel connected are so many other things to be connected with my partner, to get rid of the pain when I'm having sex, to be confident in my body to let go of collective traumas and what I should look like. What my sexual identity should be. Being oppressed, minority body, and that's something things that's starting to come back to smallest to the smallest, the smallest element, they say, we can look there. But actually, when we started looking at a single point, what's happening right in this moment and this spot on the skin and to realize wow, that's actually happening so much. Even when I'm not doing anything, no, just like guiding people only into the awareness when I ask them to sense just with that awareness, like in a meditation just to place that attention on to a certain spot in your body and I think the challenge has might be somewhere else to realize, well, just just with noticing where my attention is open. And you can practice this until the rest of your life because you can always don't even think about it anymore. You can go deeper and deeper. And when you're revising the breast and just send the breasts right into that spot and just saying that just for your attention and your breath and it's like it's amazing
And place a hand on that spot. And it might be a full body orgasm. It's just enough. That could look like that. Just sitting on your body. And it's everything that needs to happen. Yeah,
you get rid of these these pictures. Yeah, external pictures, rather, looking inside, onto the raw experience of what's going on in your body. And that comes from from being willing to listen to yourself and being willing to direct your attention on what's going on. In you and welcome that experience and naming that experience. That might as well be your own expression of a whole body orgasm, rather than the Hollywood picture or all the footage that we often see the unsex that is, it's not really I mean, you see the interviews with the actors, and that's what they are. They are actors. And it's very interesting that there's a point where the body doesn't lie and you can spot an acting.

🔥About Mareen, Institut Für Somatische Bildung, Sexualität & Körperarbeit Berlin, Founder and Teacher.

As a somatic coach, somatic sex educator, sexological bodyworker and holistic bodyworker, Mareen accompanies people with their heart's desires: bringing their visions into the world and embodying their essence. As a focus, she supports people in discovering and deepening their sexuality and living more consciously in body, mind and desire. Her motivation is to inspire people for a meaningful and self-determined life and to open up an experience of being connected. With her courses she creates playful and healing opportunities for diversity, connection and encounter. She is trained in various forms of bodywork and massage as well as trauma-oriented holistic bodywork and therapy. With free constellation and parts work, she brings to light intuitively moving inner landscapes and locates people in space and time/lessness. With her many years of experience with Tao, Kink, BDSM and in sex-positive experimental rooms, she accompanies people in differentiated rooms on different levels of their pleasurable and meaningful existence.

Contact Mareen at:

🔥Editorial Note On The Title

As much as technical circumstances dont allow the full title to be "full body orgasm and OTHER forms to avoid pleasure", as much the limited picture and understanding of subtle, individual and unnormative forms of arousal inhibit our capacity for pleasure. What treasures are to be found to live a meaningful and enriching intimate life?

🔥Want to create a Sensual Lifestyle?
Grab the FREE Guide to Awaken Sensuality here:



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