How to unlock the Bootloader on the HTC Nexus 9 Android 5.0 Lollipop

Описание к видео How to unlock the Bootloader on the HTC Nexus 9 Android 5.0 Lollipop

How to Unlock the bootloader on the HTC Google Nexus 9 android 5.0 Lollipop so that you can root and install custom recovery and roms
Get your Nexus 9 Here
Link to Android SDK from google if you want to install it
Link to just the fastboot and adb files from my server

Commands needed
adb devices
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot devices
fastboot oem unlock
fastboot reboot

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I am happy to help with any problems my subscribers are having on their android devices. I am going to need lots of info from you to be able to help. Because of the large amount of messages I get every day I will not answer any questions that do not include this info in the message thanks for understanding. 1. What device you have. 2. What android version you are running. 3. What rom stock or custom rom / build number in about phone. 4. What you have done to the device. 5. Recovery stock, TWRP. CWM . With this info I will be able to help. 
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