"Our world – our goals": Citizen Science for the Sustainable Development Goals

Описание к видео "Our world – our goals": Citizen Science for the Sustainable Development Goals

A Declaration including policy recommendations resulted from the CS SDG Conference: "Our world – our goals: citizen science for the Sustainable Development Goals". The Declaration acts as a voluntary commitment by all partners to define the roles, competences and concrete potentials of #CitizenScience to advance the #SDGs. It was formulated in an open and participatory process.

The Declaration groups the various important contributions of citizen science to the SDGs in three central recommendations:
1) Harness the benefits of citizen science for the SDGs,
2) strengthen citizen science and its connections with other communities, and
3) strengthen future citizen science systems.

Already more than 290 people from more than 25 countries have endorsed the Declaration as individuals, or on behalf of their projects or as institutions.

Contact person: Silke Voigt-Heucke, Head of the Competence Centre Citizen Science, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Silke.Voigt-Heucke[at]mfn[dot]berlin

You may find the Declaration text here: https://www.cs-sdg-conference.berlin/...

For your endorsement, please, use the online form here: https://survey.naturkundemuseum-berli...

To stay updated on further developments concerning the Declaration, please check this site from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, where the signatories of the Declaration are also displayed: https://www.museumfuernaturkunde.berl...


Информация по комментариям в разработке