WoW Classic - Rare Mob Locations + UNIQUE LOOT - Mulgore

Описание к видео WoW Classic - Rare Mob Locations + UNIQUE LOOT - Mulgore

Timestamps Below
Mazzranache - 0:37
Snagglespear - 1:22
The Rake - 2:01
Enforcer Emilgund - 3:03
Sister Hatelash - 3:30
Ghost Howl - 4:24
This video shows all of the 6 rare mob locations in Mulgore and their loot drops on WoW Classic. Overall I think Mulgore is a pretty good zone to go hunting rares in, there is definitely a bit of challenge with rares like Sister Hatelash and having some decent low level green drops, not to mention that quest drop from Ghost Howl!

Got any suggestions on what videos could come next, pop your suggestions down in the comments below and I'll take a look as soon as I get a chance. who knows? maybe your suggestion will be featured next on the channel?

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