[Expedition] Moowolf Solo Cra + Archiduk

Описание к видео [Expedition] Moowolf Solo Cra + Archiduk

Ok, this one is even harder to set up than my fights on Iop and Feca. I tried multiple combinations of items and spells, and I just can't manage to kill the two Boowolves next to me on turn 2 while having enough vitality and resistances to survive through the fight. I get the summons to very low HP, but that's not enough. I decided to try something different. I don't acttually need to kill the first summons if I can find a way to get them out of the Moowolf's melee. And so that's what I did.

Just like for the Iop strat, killing the summons every single turn is not possible, so I kept them alive and killed only every 3 turns. I was mostly spamming Arrow of Judgement and Exploding Arrow for the lifesteal, and because Arrow of Judgement just hits so hard. I kind of ignored the Boowolf next to Archiduk to let him lifesteal as well so he doesn't die.

Again, this is a Cire set build. It's just too good. For this one I split the stats between Strength and Intelligence, and I chose the Rhineetle Belt and Ring mostly for the Earth Resistance% (Boowolves hit Strength) and the set bonuses. The Prytekt is needed otherwise I end up dying on turn 3-4 believe it or not.
Build: https://dofuslab.io/view/3cc97fb4-4da...


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