TRAILER The MeyGen Tidal Array – Industry pioneer Fraser Johnson

Описание к видео TRAILER The MeyGen Tidal Array – Industry pioneer Fraser Johnson

MeyGen was promoted as a pathfinder and demonstration project for the tidal industry, has is succeeded and has the UK Government provided the support necessary for the industry to truly compete against other forms of Renewable Energy Generation.

Fraser was a Chief Officer with the UK Merchant Navy for more than 10 years. After receiving his Masters, he began his involvement with Ocean Energy as marine Development Engineer, Engineering Manager & Chief Engineer with various ocean energy companies. His role at Atlantis began with the development of bespoke subsea technical solutions and supporting the development of a product tailored for operation in marine environment. He joined the MeyGen construction team as Marine workpackge manager with responsibility for the procurement of the export cables and execution of all marine works. Working closely with the marine contractors and marine warranty surveyors to execute the safe installation of the offshore assets. He is currently the O&M & Asset Manager for the array, responsible for the offshore and onshore assets, ensuring the array is compliant with UK legislation, Grid Code and lease agreements.


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