AutoCAD Civil 3D Coordinate Conversion

Описание к видео AutoCAD Civil 3D Coordinate Conversion

In this video, I'm demonstrating how to convert AutoCAD drawing coordinate system into another coordinate system (Eg: WGS84 drawing convert to any local coordinate system such as DLTM or QNG etc... and vice-versa)

This conversion is doing by AutoCAD Map features. MAP features will work with AutoCAD Map 3D and Civil 3D.

How to convert AutoCAD drawing coordinate system into another coordinate system?

1. Open the drawing in Civil3d or AutoDesk Map3D which needs to be converted to another coordinate system.

2. Set the drawing current coordinate system then save and close.

3. Open a new drawing and set coordinate system which you want to get the first drawing.

4. Attache the first drawing through MAP WORKSPACE features.

5. Query the attached drawing and chose DRAW option form the query window.

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