Julie Zedler | Cyanobacteria for Biotechnology - Can SynBio Make It Happen?

Описание к видео Julie Zedler | Cyanobacteria for Biotechnology - Can SynBio Make It Happen?

Julie Zedler - Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

Homepage: https://www.schleiden.uni-jena.de/en/...
Twitter:   / synbiojazz  

Cyanobacteria for Biotechnology - Can SynBio Make It Happen?

“Global challenges such as rising CO2 levels and increasing temperatures require urgent action and novel solutions. In this context, biological platforms for the renewable production of chemical compounds and natural products, independent of petrochemistry, are gaining increasing interest. Given that sunlight is the only source of energy that is widely abundant on Earth and cost-free, photosynthetic organisms are an obvious and promising choice for future production systems. These organisms are able to grow on CO2 as a carbon source, light as an energy source, and a minimal amount of inorganic nutrients.” - David A Russo, Julie A Z Zedler, and Poul Erik Jensen (2019) A force awakens: exploiting solar energy beyond photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erz054

This talk was part of the Cyano2020 Summer School, hosted by Nicolas Schmelling and Ilka Axmann, and was held on Hopin between September 14th - 18th, 2020.

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