CC355. Clinical Errors by Dr. Liu

Описание к видео CC355. Clinical Errors by Dr. Liu


When the patient is in the finishing stage, some teeth may require torque adjustment. Although there are several ways to approach it, the simplest way is to install a single torquing spring. This presentation is to demonstrate a fews tips of utilising torquing springs and how to avoid some of the most common errors.


在病患進入 finishing 的階段後,有時候我們會需要微調牙齒的 torque ,調整 torque 的方法有很多種,其中一種最簡單的方式就是在需要改 torque 的牙齒上安裝 torquing spring。 Torquing spring 雖然簡單,不過其安裝的方式是有訣竅的,這篇報告的目的就是在就是在講解安裝torquing sping 常見的錯誤以及小技巧,讓醫師在臨床操作上更得心應手。


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