Voice Over Frost DK Rotation Guide | 11 Dawnbreaker | Shattering Blades Walkthrough

Описание к видео Voice Over Frost DK Rotation Guide | 11 Dawnbreaker | Shattering Blades Walkthrough

Join me in this 11 Dawnbreaker where I go through how I play Frost Death Knight as someone with 3000 io score.

You can learn my rotation while I use the alternate Forst DeathKnight build that allows you too maximize DPS in smaller keys where packs aren't going to live long enough to benefit from Breath of Syndragosa

If you are looking for a breath walkthrough here is a guide where I go through a 12 Dawnbreaker with the Breath build

   • Voice Over Frost DK Rotation Guide | ...  

You can track my cooldown usage as well as the order in which I hit my buttons. I go over the talents I use and overall the ways in which I play my character.

Hopefully this walk through/ playtrhough on frost death knight helps you learn the character and preform better in your own respective keys.

If you guys liked this tutorials and want more please feel free to comment asking me questions or stop by my twitch streams as I stream all of my mythic plus keys as well as any content I am doing on world of warcraft that day

Anyways good luck learning frost dk and I hope I was able to help :)

  / anurek  

If you have any of my questions please join our discord where I would be happy to help look over logs or anything else you might need help with!

  / discord  

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