Barbara Bonney "Ach, Ich Fühl's" Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Описание к видео Barbara Bonney "Ach, Ich Fühl's" Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Barbara Bonney

Barbara Bonney is one of the leading lyric sopranos of her generation. With over 100 recordings to her name, her artistry has been documented for generations of singers to come. Her Sophie (Rosenkavalier) is legendary the world over, as are her Mozart roles of Susanna (Figaro), Pamina (Zauberflote). Ms. Bonney devoted much of her 30 year career to Lieder, and continues to sing Lied-Recitals and Orchestral Concerts. She is a devoted mentor of the new-generation-singer, and is currently Professor at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, as well as guest professor of the Royal Academy of Music in London.

For Ms. Bonneys current concert schedule and more I invited to visit her official web-site at:

Ms Bonney is represented internationally by Michael Storrs Music Ltd.

"Ach, Ich Fühl's"
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Ach, ich fühl's, es ist verschwunden,
Ewig hin der Liebe Glück!
Nimmer kommt ihr Wonnestunde.
Meinem Herzen mehr zurück!
Sieh', Tamino, diese Tränen,
Fließen, Trauter, dir allein!
Fühlst du nicht der Liebe Sehnen,
So wird Ruh' im Tode sein!

Oh, I feel it, it disappeared
Gone forever is loves luck!
Never again comes the blissful hour.
Back to my heart!
See, Tamino, these tears,
Flowing, beloved, for you alone!
You do not feel the chords of love,
Thus there will be peaceful rest in death!



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