Intraocular Lens Implants 1: Inspiration and Development

Описание к видео Intraocular Lens Implants 1: Inspiration and Development

Modern cataract surgery and intraocular lenses (IOLs) are marvels of medical technology. It was an eye injury in WW2 that inspired the first lens implant. From there lens development followed a challenging path trying different locations in the eye and many lens designs. Modern lenses are closing in on the ultimate goal, to mimic the exquisite function of the natural lens.
0:00 Start
00:50 Introduction
03:00 Cataract Extraction
08:00 First Implant and Early Designs
14:26 Incision Size and Foldable Lenses
16:45 Multifocal Lenses
20:21 Power Calculation


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