Описание к видео TUNER SPOTLIGHT: Pacific German

The return of Audizine's Tuner Spotlight takes us to Pacific German in Laguna Hills, California. Owned and operated by the Setterstrom family, Pacific German specializes in all things Audi, Volkswagen, and Porsche. They garnered quite a bit of buzz for themselves a few years back when they took on the challenge of creating their very own road-going B9 S4 Avant courtesy of two separate cars, a B9 S4 sedan and a B9 A4 allroad. We sat down with Tyler Setterstrom to discuss the literal ins and outs of the project.

Build Thread: https://audizine.com/forum/showthread...

Pacific German: http://pacificgerman.com
23501 Commerce Center Drive
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
1 (949) 215-7717
[email protected]

Produced by Audizine / Nickelsvision
Directed by Peter Chaney
Production Assistant: William Piper
Music: Hii.De "Lesson" / C-Trox "OJ Simpson" / Andriy Mashtalir "San Diego"


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