Cervical part of sympathetic trunk Anatomy Animation

Описание к видео Cervical part of sympathetic trunk Anatomy Animation

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Cervical part of sympathetic trunk Anatomy Animation

Content Source: Dr Vishram singh Human anatomy

The sympathetic trunk, also known as the sympathetic chain or ganglion chain, is part of the autonomic nervous system responsible for the "fight or flight" response. It is a bilateral structure located on either side of the vertebral column. The cervical part of the sympathetic trunk refers to the portion of the chain found in the cervical region of the spine.

Anatomy of the Cervical Part of the Sympathetic Trunk:

Ganglia: The sympathetic trunk is composed of a series of ganglia, which are collections of nerve cell bodies. In the cervical region, there are three cervical ganglia:

a. Superior Cervical Ganglion: This is the highest cervical ganglion and is located in the superior part of the neck, near the base of the skull. It is typically found anterior to the transverse processes of the upper cervical vertebrae (C1 to C4). The superior cervical ganglion gives rise to several important nerves, including the carotid plexus and the internal carotid nerve.

b. Middle Cervical Ganglion: This ganglion is situated at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra (C6). It is less distinct and smaller than the superior and inferior cervical ganglia.

c. Inferior Cervical Ganglion: The inferior cervical ganglion is located near the seventh cervical vertebra (C7) or the first thoracic vertebra (T1). It is the largest and most important of the cervical ganglia. The stellate ganglion, formed by the fusion of the inferior cervical ganglion and the first thoracic ganglion, is considered to be part of the cervical sympathetic trunk.

Rami Communicantes: These are nerve branches that connect the sympathetic trunk to the spinal nerves. They carry sympathetic nerve fibers to and from the sympathetic trunk to innervate various structures and organs.

Sympathetic Nerve Fibers: The cervical part of the sympathetic trunk contains sympathetic nerve fibers that originate in the thoracic and upper lumbar spinal cord. These fibers travel through the sympathetic chain, synapsing at various ganglia, and then continue on to their target organs and tissues.

The sympathetic trunk plays a crucial role in the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. It is involved in regulating many involuntary bodily functions, such as the dilation of pupils, heart rate, blood pressure, and distribution of blood flow to different organs during the "fight or flight" response. It also contributes to various other processes, including thermoregulation, digestion, and glandular secretion.

It's important to note that individual variations in anatomy can occur, so the exact location and size of the cervical ganglia might vary among individuals. Additionally, medical illustrations or imaging can provide more precise and detailed visuals of the cervical part of the sympathetic trunk.

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