Different stages of High Court Cases. Full Information in Hindi

Описание к видео Different stages of High Court Cases. Full Information in Hindi

I am a law practitioner in Jharkhand practicing in Dhanbad and Jharkhand High court Ranchi. For any legal help you can contact me in my Whatsapp on 7209340368 to book a call (Chargshable ₹500 per 30 minutes) . My email ID is [email protected].
In this video I have explained the legal provision regarding different stages of a High Court Cases, its Explanations , the relevant stages and many more things I have discussed herein.
Your queries
How the High Court Case be filed?
High Court me Case Kaise File Karein
Legal Procedure for adjudication of High Court Case
what is Counter Affidavit
what is Rule Nisi
Hearing of parties
Kanooni Sahayta
Nitish Sahay Advocate

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