Using the Choice Point & ACT Skills to Augment Your Exposures

Описание к видео Using the Choice Point & ACT Skills to Augment Your Exposures

This webinar will go into the nuts and bolts of how to conduct an ACT consistent exposure session, starting with a contextual-functional assessment of OCD symptoms, organizing a values-based exposure menu, increasing clients’ willingness to get out from their fear-based zone and move into values-based exposures, and troubleshooting when getting stuck in an exposure session (e.g. clients have a high degree of believability on thought – action – fusion, client’s continue to have hopes for obsessions to go away, clients’ exposures turn into rituals, etc).

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The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), a non-profit organization, leads in education, training, and research for anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, OCD, and co-occurring disorders. ADAA also provides free evidence-based mental health information and resources to the public.


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