Shooting 48 Megapixel ProRaw Stills with iPhone 14 Pro

Описание к видео Shooting 48 Megapixel ProRaw Stills with iPhone 14 Pro

I've had the iPhone 14 Pro for a couple of weeks, and here are my favourite shots, captured with Pro Raw and in 48MP.

Bright Summer Lightroom Preset Used (It's Free):

Keep Exposure High, Use on RAW iPhone Images. Play around with exposure controls on your image if it's too bright or too dark. Colours are the main area to hit, and over exposing images is welcome when using this.

The detail captured is seriously a massive step up compared to my iPhone 12 Pro Max which I loved shooting Raws with. A few edits in lightroom, and despite the 100MB+ file sizes it's a seriously wonderful camera to shoot with.

Will it replace a DSLR or Mirrorless camera, well it could, but probably not for client optics!

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