Productivity Open P1AM Arduino Modbus TCP Client to Click PLC

Описание к видео Productivity Open P1AM Arduino Modbus TCP Client to Click PLC

We will now connect our Productivity Open P1AM Arduino to a Click PLC. Using Modbus TCP the Arduino will be the Client (Master) and the Click will be the Server (Slave). We will explain how to connect our P1AM-ETH Industrial Arduino Ethernet Shield to the Click PLC. The protocol will be Modbus TCP on an Ethernet communication network. Modbus is a master-slave type of communication. Masters will always send the commands to read or write to the slaves on the network. The slaves will respond if the communication is directed at them. Since this is an Ethernet network our master is known as a client and the slave as a server.
The P1AM Example from Automation Direct on GitHub will be used. It will be modified to write to holding registers and coils in the Click PLC. The temperature from the thermocouple input unit on the P1AM will be written to the Click PLC. Inputs from the simulator input card on our Arduino P1AM will be written to the Click PLC outputs directly. The Click PLC will also be programmed with a heartbeat circuit. This will detect if communications have been severed and will reset the outputs after 5 seconds. Let's get started with our Arduino P1AM Modbus client to Click Modbus server.

More information can be obtained on our website. This includes all of the links mentioned in this video.

00:00 Arduino P1AM Modbus client to Click server
00:38 Click Modbus server configuration
01:55 Click Modbus addresses
04:05 Arduino P1AM Modbus client program
13:34 Click communication heartbeat program
18:00 Arduino Click Modbus communication testing

Here are previous posts in this Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller Series. A full list can be obtained at the following location:
Industrial Controller Hardware
Installing the Software
   • Productivity Open Arduino - Installin...  
First Program
   • Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Ard...  
Program Structure
   • Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Ard...  
Serial Monitor COM
   • Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Ard...  
Program Control
   • Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Ard...  
   • Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Ard...  
GPIO Inputs and Outputs
   • P1AM Industrial Arduino GPIO Inputs a...  
Time Instructions
   • Productivity Open P1AM Arduino Time I...  
P1000 Expansion Analog Combination Module
   • P1AM Industrial Arduino P1000 Expansi...  
PP1000 Expansion Digital Inputs and Outputs Part 1
   • Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Ard...  
P1000 Expansion Digital Inputs and Outputs Part 2
   • Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Ard...  
Watchdog Timer
   • Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Ard...  
PID Control
   • Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Ard...  
Arduino Modbus TCP to C-More EA9
   • Productivity P1AM Arduino Modbus TCP ...  
Arduino Ethernet Shield Web Server
   • Productivity Open P1AM Arduino Ethern...  

There are several reasons why we are using the Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller. Here are just a few.
CE and UL certified
Designed to be MKRZero compatible
Industrial shields available - Ethernet and general-purpose IO
15 Productivity 1000 PLC modules can be added - Customize your system
Use your Arduino programs in the industrial environment
Micro USB port - Power the CPU only and programming
Micro SD card slot
Programmable toggle switch
CPU LED light
Free software - Arduino IDE
Productivity blocks - Program Development Time Saver

The Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller currently has all of these features built into the P1AM-100 CPU.


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