Ready Or Not [Launch 1.0] Xbox Controller Guide

Описание к видео Ready Or Not [Launch 1.0] Xbox Controller Guide

Features AI command and multiplayer voice comms capable, along with aim down sight sensitivity adjustment. No requirement to use Mouse or keyboard once setup. This is a guide video showing 'Ready Or Not [Launch 1.0] - Xbox Controller [Comeng]' config on steam. Also check my steam guide link in the comments.

IF YOU ARE AUTOWALKING WHEN NOT PRESSING STICK: You could be experiencing a minute level of stick drift. Go to the game controller configs again, click view layout, click left joystick, click the settings icon next to left joystick behaviour, bring your deadzone value right up until the problem is fixed.

Move - Left Joystick
Look - Right joystick
Crouch - B
Walk - [Hold] B
Lean Left - Click left stick
Lean Right - Click right stick

Primary - Y (press again to cycle a magazine)
Secondary - [Hold or Double Tap] Y (press again to cycle a magazine)
Equip Grenade - D pad right (press again to cycle grenade types)
Equip Tactical Device - [Hold] D pad right (press again to cycle tacticals)
Equip Pepper spray - [Double Tap] D pad right
Long tactical (eg. snake cam, shield) - D pad down
Night Vision - [Hold] D pad up
Weapon attachment (eg. laser/light) - D pad up
Tablet - View button (little double window icon), hold to maximise.
Drop chemlight - [Double Tap] Menu button (three horizontal lines icon)

Aim - Left trigger
Fire - Right trigger
Fire Select - D pad left
Canted Sight - [Hold] D pad left
Secondary Sight - [Double Tap] D pad left
Melee - Right Bumper
Quick Throw Grenade - [Hold] Right Bumper
Interact (eg. open door) and Yell for compliance - A
Reload - X
Check magazine - [Hold] X
Low ready - [Double Tap] D pad down

Open command menu - Menu button (three horizontal lines icon)
Issue default command - [Double Tap] Left bumper
Cycle Gold/Blue/Red team - [Double Tap] Right bumper
Queue Command - [Hold] B
Command 1 - Y
Command 2 - [Hold] Y
Command 3 - D pad right
Command 4 - [Hold] D pad right
Command 5 - D pad down
Command 6 - [Hold] D pad down
Command 7 - D pad left
Command 8 - [Hold] D pad left
Command Key back - View button (little double window icon)
Helmet cams - [Double Tap] View button (little double window icon)
Voice comms - [Hold] Left bumper

Pause menu - [Hold] Menu button (three horizontal lines icon)
Ready Up - Y


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